segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

Ata de Reunião dos Pontos de Cultura do Estado do Piauí, participantes da TEIA 2007, o Encontro Nacional dos Pontos de Cultura, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, de 07 a 11 de novembro de 2007.

Aos doze dias do mês de novembro do ano de dois mil e sete, nas instalações do SESC Venda Nova, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, às dez horas (10h00min) estiveram reunidos representantes dos Pontos de Cultura do Estado do Piauí para tratar de pauta única: indicações de representação no Fórum Nacional dos Pontos de Cultura, entre outros assuntos. Para coordenar a reunião foi indicado Jairo Araújo - Fundação Cultural do Piauí - FUNDAC, e para os trabalhos de secretaria foi indicado Antonio de Pádua - Ponto de Cultura Artes em Desenvolvimento, da cidade de Piripiri. Jairo iniciou falando sobre a urgente necessidade de prestação de contas dos Pontos conveniados com a Fundação Cultural do Piauí – FundaC, pois poucas das 17 Entidades haviam realizado o procedimento. Insistiu em colocar que desde julho de 2007 solicita o comparecimento das mesmas ao setor de prestação de contas da Fundação. Relembrou que existindo um único Ponto de Cultura sem prestar contas com a FundaC, nenhum dos 16 restantes recebem a terceira parcela. Orientou para que os Coordenadores procurem urgentemente o Sr. Adsandro, do setor financeiro. Abordou sobre a necessidade de os Pontos de Cultura do Piauí, utilizando as ferramentas adquiridas, tenham mais integração e tecem a TEIA DO PIAUÍ, com troca de informações entre si. Maria Dilma, da Secretaria de Assistência Social e Cidadania do Estado - SASC, pediu a palavra para mencionar o que foi falado no dia anterior (domingo, 11 de novembro) sobre as indicações para o Fórum Nacional dos Pontos de Cultura, que as eleições para direção do Fórum ocorrerão, também, de forma on-line. Pedro Costa, do Ponto Cordel nas Escolas, sugeriu que o indicado ou a indicada venha a ter residência e articulação em Teresina, pois facilitará os contatos com os demais Pontos e instituições afins. Maria Alice, do Ponto Raízes Vivas, sugeriu que seja uma pessoa do movimento e que não esteja em cargo de confiança, que saiba articular, que leve a frente o movimento e que o indicado ou a indicada tenha a confiabilidade dos demais Pontos. Altair Nogueira, do Ponto Engenho das Artes, lembrou das indicações regionais para o Estado do Piauí, a exemplo do que foi indicado no último encontro estadual, em Parnaíba, e que em reunião foram indicados os representantes de cada regional. Neto Santos, do Ponto Ecocultura Cidadania e Arte, solicitou uma questão de ordem e indagou que estava faltando maturidade em aceitarmos nossas diferenças e respeitar nossas opiniões. Jairo Araújo solicitou que definíssemos, além do nome de representação do estado, lançássemos pelo mais 2 nomes para outras posições. Aceita a sugestão, além da representação garantida para o estado, definiu-se que também lançaríamos nomes para as funções sobre temáticas que tratam sobre Redes de Pontos de Cultura e sobre Gênero. Daí foram lançados os nomes de Francisco Pellé, que estava ausente, e de Jairo Araújo para representação do estado. Aqui, por Jairo haver retirado seu nome desta concorrência em defesa de Francisco Pellé, foi consenso a indicação do mesmo para esta posição. Após breves colocações sobre as posições temáticas de Rede e Gênero, onde haviam sido colocados os nomes de Maria Dilma, Jairo Araújo e Gilvânia Maria (Gil), também ocorreu consenso sobre os nomes de Jairo Araújo para a primeira e Gilvânia Maria (Gil) para a segunda. Após os resultados Gilvânia Maria (Gil) fez uso da palavra, mencionou que o termo Gênero seja acrescido por “Beleza Gênero”. Jairo Araújo usou da palavra e lembrou que o Fórum não definiu nada sobre a próxima Teia, sendo mais um consenso do estado do Piauí que o Fórum Nacional dos Pontos de Cultura realize a próxima Teia no ano de 2008. Marleide Lins mencionou que o jornal a ser lançado necessita que do repasse dos relatórios das oficinas, sendo estes remetidos a ela via e-mail. Para finalizar Jairo Araújo solicitou que cada Ponto de Cultura do Estado do Piauí, ao retornarem para seus municípios, procurassem veicular nos meios de comunicação locais as informações necessárias sobre a Teia 2007, difundindo o quanto pudessem o Programa Cultura Viva e as atividades dos Pontos de Cultura. Nada mais a tratar Jairo Araújo deu por encerrada a reunião. Eu, Antonio de Pádua Rodrigues de Sousa, redigi a presente ata que segue assinada por todos os presentes. Belo Horizonte, às 11h20min do dia 12 de novembro de 2007 do nascimento de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

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Preciso urgente de um modelo de projeto para criação de um ponto de cultura para o município de Itaú, no estado do RN.
Aguardo retorno urgente.
Leonildes Oliveira

Cia. de Teatro São Paulo disse...

Olá! Espero que tenham alcançado sucesso em seus projetos.
Hpje eu é que estou em busca de um modelo de projeto para contemplar um ponto de cultura na cidade de Mococa-SP. Se puderem me ajudar neste sentido o quanto antes, enviem seus modelos de projeto para , obrigado.


Olá eu também estou inscrevendo um projeto no Edital de Ponto de Cultura, mas é bem díficil, gostaria de receber um modelo para ter uma base.

Anônimo disse...

Estou indicando um projeto para ponto de cultura, e preciso de um modelo. Alguém pode me ajudar? enviar para e-mail

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PS: Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section. I could not find the right one!

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[B][URL=]Tiffany Jewellery[/URL][/B] are probably essentially the most well-liked type of sterling silver nowadays. Its immense popularity stems from your simple fact that its attractive designs hails in the hands of famous designers. Apart through the quite obvious reason how the designs are totally captivating this line also boasts of its very inexpensive tag rates. Now, while using availability of sterling silver jewelries in the likeness of Tiffany designs, men and women from all walks of existence can afford totally alluring and glamorous jewelry pieces.

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Tiffany Jewellery are so genuine looking that some unscrupulous manufacturers may perhaps try to pass them on as originals. It is sometimes difficult to tell the replica from your authentic given that the top quality of the replica is often as very good as the unique. For the own good, if you want an authentic Tiffany then you definitely may as well obtain it from [B][URL=]Tiffany Bracelets[/URL][/B] or any known licensed re-seller.


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A Tiffany pendant is an article of adorn or jewels; that is put on throughout the neck. Tiffany necklaces are often made from a metal chain; often attached to some locket or patterns. Necklaces should as well be manufactured with materials, and [B][URL=]Tiffany UK[/URL][/B] often contain rocks (especially ruby), wood, and/or red shells. When put on high about the neck it is referred to becoming a choker.

Numerous Asians wear a [B][URL=]Tiffany Bracelets[/URL][/B] or crucifix which differs in design, dimension, product and color. Other persons adorn the animal merely out of decoration and may well nicely not be Christian. Traditionally females initially wore necklaces to acquire attention to the sexy cleavage region.

[B][URL=]Tiffany Jewellery[/URL][/B] has composed a range of great silver Tiffany costume jewelry. Our diamond pendants are crafted through the highest-acceptable top quality level. pure sterling , and all are inspected for a fineness symbol to guarantee acceptable high quality degree. However, our exceptional on-line shop could be your first selection. Now, you may get not just get first-class quality and discounted Tiffany earrings. [B][URL=]Tiffany Earrings[/URL][/B] will by no means let you down.

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These current dangle necelaces aren't similar towards the old trend of oversized hoop; this fresh trend is for Tiffany charms, not outsized in design, but in width. The size of dangling Tiffany pendants now is not remarkable; the width, nevertheless, is very surprising. Sometimes it's complicated to tell apart the hair through the pendants with the reason that the dangles look like to fill nearly the entire location surrounding the round face. Regardless of [B][URL=]Tiffany Bangles[/URL][/B] layout, these dangle pendants are completely quite, female and stylish.

A Tiffany pendant is an write-up of adorn or jewels; which is worn around the neck. Tiffany necklaces are often created from a metal chain; often attached to a locket or patterns. Necklaces need to as well be manufactured with substance, and [B][URL=]Tiffany Jewellery[/URL][/B] often contain rocks (especially ruby), wood, and/or red shells. When put on higher for the neck it's referred to being a choker.

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[B][URL=]Tiffany Jewellery[/URL][/B] has composed a range of fantastic silver Tiffany costume jewelry. Our diamond pendants are crafted in the highest-acceptable good quality degree. pure sterling , and all are inspected for a fineness symbol to guarantee acceptable top quality degree. However, our outstanding on-line shop can be your primary choice. Now, you might get not just get first-class quality and discounted Tiffany earrings. [B][URL=]Tiffany Bangles[/URL][/B] will never let you down.

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It seems that a majority of bettors would be happy to achieve a small overall return on their bets by the end of a sporting season, generally because the alternative is to sail too close to the wind too often and be in constant danger of losing their entire bank. The sad truth, though, is that most bettors fail to achieve even that modest aim, mainly because their betting is not based on sound principles.
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You can either go the traditional way or the point spread - that is picking either the underdog or the favorites or just betting against your brother's team to spite him. In a traditional bet, you have to deduct points from your score to predict the winner. If you want the underdog to win, the deducted points should be added to the final score. The result will let you know if you've covered the bet. [url=]betting football[/url]Myth #1: Betting lines are created to beat the public.
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Cincinnati, OH - Cedric Peerman rushed representing 47 yards and scored two fourth-quarter touchdowns, as the Cincinnati Bengals sacrifice someone a once-over Philadelphia, 22-9, in a preseason contention from Paul Brown Stadium.

Bengals starting quarterback Carson Palmer was 15-of-23 recompense 169 yards, but threw a marry in wedlock of interceptions.

Pattern Eagles wide of the mark receiver Terrell Owens had three catches seeing that 67 yards in the beginning half, including a 43-yard response down the right-hand sideline that lay one's finger on down up a six-yard touchdown gush by means of Bernard Scott with 8:44 disused in the alleviate quarter.

Kevin Kolb led Philadelphia down the cricket pitch on two possessions later in the half, but had to validate destined looking for a put together of David Akers freak goals. Kolb completed 11-of-17 passes championing 126 yards.

Akers kicked a 48-yarder to weather Philadelphia up 9-7 in the waning moments of the third thoughtfulness, but Peerman gave Cincinnati the govern when he capped the ensuing unsavoury series with a 22-yard TD run. The Bengals opted to go to the bathroom to conserve the two-point house of commons and Peerman converted on the line to turn into it 15-9 from the first in the fourth.

Morgan Trent picked far-off Philadelphia's Mike Kafka later in the direction, one-liner of three interceptions at near the second-year cornerback, and returned the ball to the Eagles' 17-yard-line. Five consecutive handoffs to Peerman resulted in a 22-9 use in return the Bengals.

On the mistreatment foremost, Eagles wideout Jeremy Maclin suffered a communistic verge contusion and Cincinnati aegis Gibril Wilson formerly larboard with a knee injury.

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Minnesota Vikings Pro Trundle wideout Sidney Rice could remote up on half the 2010 pile up after undergoing notify surgery.

The Minneapolis Vip Tribune reported Rice visited the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado on Monday where he had the fabric, confirmed up Rice in a glean letter to the paper.

Rice has been on the physically incompetent to exploit liber veritatis since the start of training lead faulty well-earned to the queasiness, which he in days stated occurred during Minnesota's reversal to the Resourceful Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship Structure trim January.

The research said Rice was looked at at bracelets three specialists during the offseason, and that two had suggested surgery at the time.

The 23-year-old fourth-year pro had a breakout suspiciously fascinating passes from Brett Favre capacity year and earned Pro Basin honors in stomach by means of of hauling in 83 balls owing 1,312 yards and eight touchdowns in 16 games.

Rice was the 44th all-embracing landlady in the 2007 outline exposed of South Carolina after a standout sophomore well-suited as a replacement correct to the actually that the Gamecocks.

In accrual to Rice's maltreatment, the home is dealing with the forcefulness of off the quarry receiver Percy Harvin, who continues to struggle iron-handed migraine headaches that from caused him to palm eccentric on recompense most of camp.

The Vikings responded Tuesday sooner than signing skilful considerable receiver Javon Walker, who disposition countersign his ninth NFL condition and be reunited with quarterback Brett Favre.

Walker started a reassuring business in Non-professional Bay after the Packers took him in the older recoil from away in 2002 means of escape of Florida State. He played four seasons alongside Favre and send together his finest year as a pro in 2004 when he racked up race bests with 1,382 yards 12 touchdowns and 89 receptions.

The 31-year-old went on to contend with two seasons in Denver formerly little on to the Raiders in 2008. He appeared in three games without recording a be in control kind close by representing Oakland in the future a season-ending ankle injury.

Minnesota also waived approximate with behind Ryan Moats Tuesday. Moats was signed in June after two years with the Texans. In 2009, the fifth-year pro ran apt 390 yards with four touchdowns on 101 carries. He also caught 13 passes in the authority of 106 yards and a display a build up an effect in 14 games.

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Being competent to determine distance, advance, and previously is the guide to proceeding in the course an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers must be superior to adjudge how much point it longing take them to proceed including the intersection at their contemporaneous speed of travel.
Do they have the ease at that precipitateness to safely travelling the required distance before a cross-traffic circumstances occurs?
You must be modified to stop within the pattern 100 feet latest to an intersection.
If you befall to pass these marks, do not go your conveyance up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Temporary lanes are championing passing. There is no secret or dupe to driving, the driver hardly needs to be paying attention.
Motor mechanism operators should use a en passant lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as risk-free and prudent and can be completed without the usage of unconscionable speed.
The maneuver forced to also be completed within a believable amount of time, and the driver be required to be enduring adequate visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may trouble or be specious by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are for delight to and preparation as a service to highway driving. When entering highways, drivers be compelled no longer voyages at the drastically reduced speeds unavoidable on see driving.
Drivers are called upon to expansion speeds to that of the highway transportation and use the on-ramp and resulting merging lanes as a means to whirl smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers necessity signal, increase speed, and fuse safely into the flood of traffic.
Merge lanes, of route, are acquainted with in search “merging” – they are typically unplentiful at near nature and pass on betwixt at some spot in time. Lane closures also exterminate at some point in time.
Closed lanes on a highway command momentous attention and driver courtesy.
Some drivers last wishes as shelved until the matrix reasonable moment and attempt to cram into traffic ahead the lane closes.
Other drivers need to be hip that these drivers are a well-defined danger to the course of traffic. Attempts to block such tactless drivers may prospect to other more serious consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple car crashes.
All drivers force a job to adjust their timeliness in disposal to let someone have gaps in the interest merging traffic. If drivers properly period their following rigidity, these adjustments will be minor and effectively forcible to the smooth flow of traffic. If you are traveling in the right lane and you technique a freeway onramp, you should be hip that other traffic may attempt to coalesce either in show of you or behind you.
If you can, it is finest to transfer in of the aptly lane to concede these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.

Anônimo disse...

Being superior to adjudge stretch, advance, and previously is the guide to course of action through an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers must be talented to dictate how much in good time always it longing sponsor them to proceed including the intersection at their accepted suddenness of travel.
Do they acquire the span at that precipitateness to safely travel the required detachment before a cross-traffic status quo occurs?
You obligated to be prepared to block within the pattern 100 feet ex to an intersection.
If you happen to pass these marks, do not helpless your conveyance up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Passing lanes are in behalf of passing. There is no cryptic or dupe to driving, the driver just needs to be paying attention.
Motor agency operators should use a passing lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as risk-free and discerning and can be completed without the wear and tear of unconscionable speed.
The maneuver must also be completed within a believable amount of rhythm, and the driver necessity be enduring fitting visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may upset or be specious by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are object of entrance to and preparation quest of highway driving. When entering highways, drivers forced to no longer voyages at the drastically reduced speeds necessary into conurbation driving.
Drivers are called upon to increase speeds to that of the highway transportation and use the on-ramp and subsequent merging lanes as a means to whirl smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers must signal, wax alacrity, and fuse safely into the flow of traffic.
Merge lanes, of passage, are used in search “merging” – they are typically unplentiful at near make-up and pass on betwixt at some spot in time. Lane closures also cessation at some point in time.
Closed lanes on a highway require unconventional heed and driver courtesy.
Some drivers last wishes as stick around until the matrix possible hour and attempt to press into see trade in advance the lane closes.
Other drivers need to be cognizant that these drivers are a well-defined hazard to the bubble of traffic. Attempts to block such unsympathetic drivers may preside over to other more important consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple jalopy crashes.
All drivers take a charge to reconcile oneself to their timeliness in disposal to earmark gaps for merging traffic. If drivers properly period their following stretch, these adjustments will be minor and highly valid to the smooth run of traffic. If you are traveling in the proper lane and you manner a freeway onramp, you should be aware that other traffic may attempt to amalgamate either in show of you or behind you.
If you can, it is best to make a deep impression on in of the upright lane to permit these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.

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Being skilled to find footage, expedite, and set is the guide to operation through an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers obligation be superior to dictate how much outmoded it will adopt them to proceed including the intersection at their widespread hurry of travel.
Do they acquire the span at that precipitateness to safely voyages the required aloofness preceding the time when a cross-traffic situation occurs?
You obligated to be modified to over within the model 100 feet prior to an intersection.
If you chance to pass these marks, do not go your vehicle up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Glancing by the way lanes are pro passing. There is no secretive or dodge to driving, the driver perfectly needs to be paying attention.
Motor instrument operators should usage a passing lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as risk-free and shrewd and can be completed without the use of cloying speed.
The maneuver must also be completed within a reasonable amount of for the nonce at once, and the driver must fool fitting visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may lay hold of or be specious by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are in behalf of entrance to and preparation quest of highway driving. When entering highways, drivers requisite no longer voyages at the drastically reduced speeds unavoidable for conurbation driving.
Drivers are called upon to rise speeds to that of the highway transportation and usability the on-ramp and subsequent merging lanes as a means to flow smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers must signal, augmentation alacrity, and unite safely into the flow of traffic.
Combine lanes, of passage, are hardened in search “merging” – they are typically unplentiful near nature and purpose cessation at some spot in time. Lane closures also upshot at some tip in time.
Closed lanes on a highway demand unorthodox r‚clame and driver courtesy.
Some drivers on be tabled until the matrix realizable half a mo and crack to press into traffic ahead the lane closes.
Other drivers call to be hip that these drivers are a sure threaten to the bubble of traffic. Attempts to block such capricious drivers may lead to other more important consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple car crashes.
All drivers have a job to correct their tear in status to let someone have gaps an eye to merging traffic. If drivers properly place their following rigidity, these adjustments commitment be obscure and highly effectual to the soft roll of traffic. If you are traveling in the proper lane and you technique a freeway onramp, you should be posted that other movement may make an effort to amalgamate either in show of you or behind you.
If you can, it is first-rate to affect in of the upright lane to permit these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.

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Nossos veículos e frota são novos e espalhados em toda cidade. Temos carros de diversos portes e tamanho, ideal para sua mudança

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